Elgin Portland United Church
A Thanksgiving Thought
Many of our neighbours, both local and around the world, are experiencing illness, injury, loss, tragedy and difficult times. We pray for their healing, comfort, shelter and peace in the arms of our Lord.
This weekend we celebrate Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 13. A day that is more than a time of celebration, but one of gratitude, and giving thanks. As Christinas we are to give that thanks away without expecting anything in return. In whatever manner we celebrate this day, let us remember to express our gratitude to God for His blessings and to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in our daily lives. Let us carry the spirit of thanksgiving beyond just one day and strive to bring the world back into focus, albeit one person at a time. May our hearts overflow with thanks and our actions reflect the true meaning of Thanksgiving.
“But”, you say, “how can I, with our airwaves, social media, and many world leaders pushing negativity and doom and gloom?” Thanksgiving isn’t easy. Although the Bible tells us to do everything without complaining, we sure haven’t perfected it yet.
Maybe our focus is wrong! Maybe gratitude is the key, not thankfulness. But aren’t they the same, essentially a distinction without a difference? Not really. When we think of what we are thankful for, we are drawn to a specific, individual instance, rather than the holistic emotion encompassing all the things for which we are thankful. We can be thankful that someone held the door for us when are arms were full, but rather than a one-off, what if that kind gesture inspired us to be grateful for ALL kindness and support? Certainly, a different mindset. Embracing gratitude helps us to see what truly is, rather than what isn’t.
The Psalmist writes in Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it’.
May the blessings of God fill our hearts and homes with an attitude of gratitude.
Advance notice JAN 25, 2025 our Canadian Women in Song troupe plays the Joshua Bates Centre, Athens. Get your tickets early. joshuabatescentre.com
Bible Discussion Groups
Reason to read the Bible #22: The Bible teaches us the importance of living up to our potential in the Lord. Matthew 25:14-30 “His master [The Lord] said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” Two meetings each week: Portland UC on Monday at 6:30; Elgin meeting this week will be at Myrian Cooper’s home (1555 Chaffey’s Lock Road), Tuesday 10am. Please join us. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.
Y@HBC will meet next on Thursday the 17th of October at 9 am at the Junction restaurant. Everyone welcome. More information the week before. Ted
Mark your calendars for the “You Can Call Me 80’s – Epic Hits Vol. 1” concert at Elgin United, on October 25th and 26th @ 7 pm. Check out the poster on Facebook, Website, and bulletin boards in the area. Tickets are now on sale at Eventbrite.ca.
Elgin Portland United Church Council
Elgin United Church
A small but enthusiastic crowd enjoyed the talent of Jeff Rogers at the Festival of Small Halls concert hosted by Elgin United on Saturday October 5th. Great music and wonderful entertainment. Thank you to all who attended and volunteered to help make this another successful event.
This is a gentle reminder that the need at the Elgin Food Bank is continuing to increase. You can donate in different ways. You can donate via e-transfer to United Church Of Canada-Elgin <treasurer-euc@eppc-ucc.ca> You can also make a donation in your envelope under “other” or by PAR.
Elgin United Church
Portland United Church
UCW Meeting October 15th at 1:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
UCW Fall Rally at Portland United Church was a huge success. Thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who supported and helped us out.
Portland United Church is excited to announce their partnership with the Fundraising Committee of the new G. Tackaberry and Family Home at Maple View Landing’s Long-Term Care, Athens. Portland United Church will be donating $5,000 towards a Resident Room at the new Maple View Landing. These funds have been made possible through the financial support of people attending concerts hosted at Portland United Church in addition to donations to our Memorial Fund. May God’s light continue to shine throughout our communities. PUC Council
Jane Pickard and Jan Haskins will be playing with the bells at a Concert In Memory of Ann McMahon.
Portland United Church
Devotional Reflection
October 12, 2024
Ow! My head hurts, my eyes hurt, my ribs hurt. I can barely shuffle across the floor. And the thought of standing in front of the sink to wash dishes leaves me feeling nauseated. Add to this the smell that we recognize anywhere – Vicks Vapour Rub!
Yes, it has finally happened. The dreaded cold! Or the verge of pneumonia! (I’ll let the expert figure that out!)
I have discovered something about myself during these past few days – when it comes to being ‘under the weather’, I am a poor patient! I just want it over with.
I believe this goes for many aspects of our lives. We have very little patience for weakness, always expect the best from others, are grumpy when we cannot get things done in a timely manner.
Have you ever taken time to think about our Heavenly Father and what He tolerates? Can you imagine coming to God, and Him saying, “I don’t have the patience for you today, my child. Go figure it out by yourself; come back to Me when you have the answer.”
Or maybe your life is in real turmoil, and you flounder at the smallest storm. And again, God replies: “I’ve given you the answer. You don’t like my answer. Until you can accept that, you will struggle.”
That’s it with us. We want to be perfect; we want the struggle to be over. We don’t want to follow the instructions. And most of all, we don’t want to admit to the need for help.
Life is like this common cold. Some will have it worse than others. They will struggle every step of the way. Others seem to avoid this. And others barely notice the ups and downs.
It takes a cold sometimes to bring out a spiritual lesson – in everything give thanks! What if you are having a ‘desert experience’ right now – you cannot maintain the joy you once felt. Life is getting you down. Does that mean you should not give thanks. Or maybe you should give more thanks because God would never leave you to struggle if you are genuinely seeking Him.
I will be glad when these few moments in my life are over with – I will look forward to giving thanks, regardless of whether it lasts a week, or a month.
Scripture says: Hold on, joy comes in the morning. So, tighten up your resolve. Look at your life and move forward with the help of the Great Physician, the Burden-bearer. Give it all to Him.
You are loved. You are blessed.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge