2024-11-03 Weekly E-News

Elgin Portland United Church

November 11th, 2024

Remembrance Day Services

The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 231 will hold a Remembrance Day Service at 1 PM in Heritage Park, Elgin, ON, on Sunday, November 10, 2024

Following the service, the Elgin and Area Heritage Society will host an unveiling of our refreshed storyboard “Remember the Fallen”, at The Red Brick School immediately adjacent to the park. The RBS will be open to visitors for viewing and light refreshments following the unveiling.

The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 231 will hold a Remembrance Day Service at 3 PM at Portland Cenotaph (Hwy, 15 at the top of the village, Sunday, November 10, 2024.

Following the service, refreshments to follow at the Legion after the 3 PM service.

The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 231 will hold a Remembrance Day Service at 10:45 AM at the Legion Cenotaph, Harlem Road.  Refreshments to follow inside.

In Honour, Respect and Gratitude

Monday of next week is Remembrance Day. Next Sunday, November 10th, we will ‘remember” at our worship services, as we gather in Christ: a time to remember, a time to be silent. A silence that will resound on the Day of Remembrance, November 11th. A silence which represents the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, when the guns of Europe fell silent. A silence where all our thoughts go to those brave men and women who took part, in every way … and the only time when the whole country falls silent, thinking about something other than ourselves. … What a moment to cherish, no telephones, no chatter, just silence to remember them. A silence you can feel.

If not for thousands and thousands of men and women, we might not even be able to meet in a church as a congregated body of believers or be able to simply walk carefree down a street or country lane. A freedom which we sadly take for granted. A freedom of which we rarely consider the cost. A freedom which without care, responsibility and accountability will slip away. Sadly, the freedom these heroic individuals fought so bravely to enshrine is being systematically eroded by a cohort of extremists that embody the hostile, divisive and autocratic strategies of Arthur Finkelstein, the man behind the rise of many of the world’s authoritarian leaders.  And still, this notwithstanding, we forge onward in a quest to purge tyranny and oppression.

So, let’s pause for a moment and remember those who died in service to our country, our freedom, our security, and our choices. And with no intention of disrespect to those who died, remember also those who returned home, broken both physically and mentally. These brave men and women deserve our respect and support and to be remembered. Not everyone in the world has the privileges we have. We have them because of the sacrifice of these men and women and the lives they offered.

So, on this Remembrance Day, we honor and thank the men and women who have given their all for us.  We thank them, we honour their service, and we honour them.

But let us not forget to remember also the ultimate price that was paid by Jesus Christ who died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, who set the example for us, who was crucified, died, was buried, and arose on the third day that we may have the promise of eternal life.

In honour, respect and gratitude

Clinton Halladay

Chair, EUC Council

Advance notice JAN 25, 2025 our Canadian Women in Song troupe plays the Joshua Bates Centre, Athens. Get your tickets early. joshuabatescentre.com

November 4thBible Discussion Groups

Reason to read the Bible #25: The Bible helps us focus on God, rather than things of this earth. Colossians 3:2 “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Two meetings each week: Portland UC on Monday at 6:30; Elgin meeting this week will be at Marion Cooper’s home (1555 Chaffey’s Lock Road), Tuesday at 10 am. Please join us. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.

Elgin Portland United Church Council

Elgin United Church 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Todd Gill, may you have an exceptionally awesome celebratory day.

Elgin United Church Council is called to meet at the church at 7 pm, November 5th.

This is a gentle reminder that the need at the Elgin Food Bank is continuing to increase. You can donate in different ways. You can donate via e-transfer to United Church Of Canada-Elgin  <treasurer-euc@eppc-ucc.ca>  You can also make a donation in your envelope under “other” or by PAR.

“You Can Call Me 80s” –  Two nights of sold-out crowds with proceeds going to the Elgin Foodbank – Your generosity and gratitude are very much appreciated.  Thank you to all for coming out.

Elgin United Church’s 5th annual Facebook, on-line auction is November 20th to 27th.

We will gladly receive new items to feature in the auction by November 16th.  Previously we have supported: the Elgin Food Bank; North Leeds Toy Drive; South Crosby Public School; Rideau District High School; Rideau Lakes Early Learning Centre; Mumma’s Here Now Neo-Natal Animal Rescue and the Country Roads Community Health Centre Flex Fund. This year we are sharing proceeds with St. Lukes-Leeds Coalition of Angels, with our share going to our “Building Our Future United” Campaign.   Contact:

Clinton Halladay clint.sharon@halladay.ca              613-359-5607    or txt 613-217-0054    

Maureen Bee       maureen.bee@rideau.net               613-532-0474

Cindy Carbino     carbs308@kingston.net                 613-359-6085

Pat Greenhorn coatsworth.greenhorn@gmail.com  613-928-9921

 “Community Committed, Community Strong”

Elgin United Church 

   Portland United Church


We offer our sympathy to Lynne Evans and her family in the passing of Doug on Monday, October 28th.  His funeral will be held on Saturday,  November 9th  at 11 o’clock at Portland United Church with Rev. Lynne Gardner presiding.   
Reception to follow downstairs.


Let’s hear from every PUC family as we look towards celebrating the 100th anniversary of UCC. Why did you decide to call PUC ‘home’?  When did you 1st come to PUC?  How long has it been your church -does the connection go back a generation or more in your family?  Were you baptized, confirmed or married at PUC?  If not, where, when, how did you begin your affiliation with UCC in other areas of the country?

Please take a few moments to write your personal and/or your family’s story in order for us to include it in a book and hear it one day in church.  By signing the sheet on the bulletin board, we will know how often to schedule each family’s story over the coming months. If you are close to or know of a family that in recent past is no longer with us, please feel free to share their story also. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Details/questions – contact Jane jpick@kingston.net 

Pre-Order Your Christmas Tourtieres before November 13th, 2024.  The Seventh Annual Tourtiere Sale By Portland United Church UCW.  Pies are frozen and ready to bake.  8″ pies @ $20.00 and 4″ pies @10.00.  Please order:  Call Sheila @613-272-3531 or Connie @ 613-220-7914.

UCW Meeting November 26th at 1:30 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.

Mill Bay Court Christmas Craft and Bake Sale Saturday, November 23rd at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Common Room.  All proceeds to the Portland Food Bank.

Portland United Church 

Devotional Reflection

November 3, 2024


There are moments in life when a restlessness fills my being. I cannot always put it into words, but I feel it. Let me explain.

Many weeks, as I sit and write to you, my thoughts are explained simply, just by a circumstance that has been shown me. It may be in the sighting of a flock of geese, the lone cry of a wolf, the colour of the leaves that grace the trees around me – unsophisticated awareness of the hand of God and His abundant love.

Perhaps I am feeling this restlessness in light of the tragedy that has claimed the life of a young person in a community close to me.  I wrestle with this, but fail miserably to understand the meaning of such a loss. So many lives affected. A community struggling to grasp what is happening. Blame permeates society. All trying to grapple with the heart-rending reality of death, loss, grief, hatred, misunderstanding, intolerance.

My thoughts move to a world where such events are daily occurrences. Passing through my mind is a tapestry of beautiful people – children, young people, adults, elderly. They are woven together through circumstances beyond them. They do not want to be part of this cruel embroidery. They wanted to have more moments to see the beauty. They wanted their picture to be beautiful, filled with delightful, vibrant colours, that come to life as their story is told. But, alas, it is not to be. We stare in horror at the disasters around us.

And my mind shifts again. Why am I filled with this restlessness? What can I do to correct these injustices? Is there a solution to the greed, hatred, disrespect that people have against others who are different, whether through race, creed or a belief system.

As I stated at the beginning of this reflection – in simple thought, we are reminded of the beauty that surrounds us. I have no real understanding of why I am here and others are suffering. But I can say with assurance – this is not what God created. He has gone so far as to send His Son into the world to guide us into goodness and love. But still, we fight to live as we desire, regardless of consequences.

There is no magic wand. Until the world accepts the love of God and spreads this message through action, we will have before us the tapestries of a corrupted world filled with the lives of those who could not speak for themselves.

As you continue to weave your life through whatever journey you are on, never forget to be tolerant, loving and above all, serve the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul  and strength.


You are loved. You are blessed.


Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge