2024-11-16 Weekly E-News

Elgin Portland United Church Council

Elgin United Church 

Happy Birthday to Brian Blowes and Rev. Takouhi on Monday November 18th.

Happy Birthday to Wayne Kerr on Wednesday, November 20th.

Happy Birthday to Geogina Campbell on Thursday, November 21st.

May each of you have an awesome celebration on your special day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Sunday, December 1st 1-4 p.m. Anna Greenhorn is celebrating her birthday at the Old Town Hall, Delta.  All are welcome and Best Wishes Only.

Young @ Heart Breakfast Club meets again Thursday the 21st of November at 9 am at  the Junction restaurant.  If coming let Clint or Ted know by what ever means you are comfortable with by noon Wednesday the 20th so we can reserve spots for us. All are welcome………….Ted

Advance notice JAN 25, 2025 our Canadian Women in Song troupe plays the Joshua Bates Centre, Athens. Get your tickets early. joshuabatescentre.com

Nov.18th Bible Discussion Groups. Reason to read the Bible #27: The Bible reveals the mystery of Christ. Colossians 4:3 “At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ.” There will be two weekly meetings: Portland UC on Monday at 6:30; and the Elgin meeting at a new venue: The Guthrie House (10 Perth St., Elgin). Tuesday at 10 am. For info contact Jim at ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089.

This is a gentle reminder that the need at the Elgin Food Bank is continuing to increase. You can donate in different ways. You can donate via e-transfer to United Church Of Canada-Elgin  <treasurer-euc@eppc-ucc.ca>  You can also make a donation in your envelope under “other” or by PAR.

Elgin United Church’s 5th annual Facebook, on-line auction is November 20th to 27th.

We will gladly receive new items to feature in the auction by November 16th.  Previously we have supported: the Elgin Food Bank; North Leeds Toy Drive; South Crosby Public School; Rideau District High School; Rideau Lakes Early Learning Centre; Mumma’s Here Now Neo-Natal Animal Rescue and the Country Roads Community Health Centre Flex Fund. This year we are sharing proceeds with St. Lukes-Leeds Coalition of Angels, with our share going to our “Building Our Future United” Campaign.   Contact:

Clinton Halladay clint.sharon@halladay.ca              613-359-5607    or txt 613-217-0054    

Maureen Bee       maureen.bee@rideau.net               613-532-0474

Cindy Carbino     carbs308@kingston.net                 613-359-6085

Pat Greenhorn coatsworth.greenhorn@gmail.com  613-928-9921

Get ready to bid often and exuberantly in the EUC OnLine Auction Nov 20 – 27th on EUCS facebook  New items still being accepted for offer.

 “Community Committed, Community Strong”

The Alzheimer Society of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville is hosting a “Dementia Friendly Communities” education session at Addison United Church, 9007 County Rd, 29 on November 20th, from 1 pm – 3 pm. Light refreshments will be served. Register at robchar1628@gmail.com or 613-924-9852.

Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital, the Hospice Hub, is hosting a Palliative Care Education Day: “essential keys to Palliative Care”, Thursday Nov 28, 12:30pm (light refreshments & networking) and the session from 1:00pm– 5:00pm, at Oakfield Rugby Park, 2585 Drummond Con. 2, Perth.  Register online at tinyurl.com/PCED-2024

Elgin United Church 

   Portland United Church

UCW Meeting November 26th at 1:30 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.

Mill Bay Court Christmas Craft and Bake Sale Saturday, November 23rd at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Common Room.  All proceeds to the Portland Food Bank.

OB Meeting December 10th at 7 p.m. A light agenda is expected so we will meet via Zoom.

Portland United Church 

Devotional Reflection

November 16, 2024

I can hardly believe that November is already half way done. It seems silly but it takes me by surprise. There are so many thoughts flooding my mind.

It seems that much of this month has been somewhat confusing. Jut short weeks ago we needed a winter coat. And then we had some warm days thrown in, Alas, these changes are short-lived. Winter is moving in. The time change has reminded us of less sunlight, more darkness. Going to bed in the dark, getting up in the dark, coming home from work in the dark. And so, we adjust our daily routine for the next few months to accommodate this.

November is also a gift to us. As we adjust our routine, we begin to plan for the excitement of Black Friday deals, Christmas shopping, sleigh rides, ice skating and other such winter events that will soon be happening – Christmas bake sales, turkey dinners, tourtière pies, and of course for many, the ‘good old hockey game’ – and the belief that the Toronto Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup!

All these things take us into a time of transition – planning, change, stress, perfect gift shopping and more stress. Where indeed has the Christ of Christmas gone?

Perspective is always best served as hindsight. I remember last year saying: Next year I will do it differently. But here we are, and once again November is already here.

As you prepare for the upcoming season let me share a few suggestions for with you to make your season what it should be:

  1. Start a new tradition
  2. Break up the huge tasks and assign them to others who want to help
  3. Be kind to yourself – sit and enjoy that cup of cider with a friend. Get yourself a candy cane, just for fun
  4. Do something for someone else – you will both benefit
  5. And remember – keep Christ in Christmas!

I am sure some of you will not like thinking about this season – it brings sadness, tears, trauma. And for others it will be joyous, everything you want it to be.

Your assignment this week, should you decide to accept it – take the time to look around you. Feel what another might be going through, and then think of a way to reach out to them. This will do more for you to keep you in the ‘holiday’ spirit. And above all, say it over and over to yourself – love came down at Christmas!

Bring it on – make this the best season you can remember!

Oh, yes! Go, Leafs, Go!

You are loved. You are blessed.

Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge