Elgin Portland United Church Council
Today is the Celebration of Life for Rick Lachapelle at noon. Visitation is at 11-12 P.M. (Son of MJ and Bob LeBlanc).
The season of Advent marks a time of preparation for Christmas and involves many special traditions. One of our traditions at Elgin United Church is preparing the Goody Bags for the Christmas Hampers that the Elgin Foodbank distributes to those in need.
Clint Halladay
Build a Mountain of Food – Portland
Another successful year. A big thank you to everyone for their donation of food, money, and time. On December 7, 2024, Build a Mountain of Food for the Portland Food Bank raised 1,760 lb of Food and $ 18,710. If we add the donations received before and right after BAM our revised total is 1,875 lb of food and $24,403.25 and donations are still coming as we speak.
A special thank you to Connie and her team who spent the day morning sorting the food, the Gibson family who delivered the food to the Country Roads Community Health Centre and ensured that the doors were open for the volunteers, and Mill Bay Court for their generous donations of money and handmade items for the families at the foodbank and to Norma who stood by me as always. I would not be able to do my work without their strong support and that of the Congregation.
Louis Martin & Norma Cummings
Annual General Meetings are scheduled (PUC/EUC/OB) for Sunday, February 16th, 2025. OB will be in Elgin. General reports are due by January 20th, and financial reports are due by January 27th, for the Annual Report to be done. Please forward your reports to office@eppc-ucc.com.
The hampers contain the staples for Christmas meals, while these bags hold special treats that are not essential but bring much joy to the recipients. We will deliver the Goody Bags to Bethel Tabernacle on Sunday, December 15th. If you have a few minutes to stay after church and help with delivery it would be appreciated! The number of people relying on assistance through the Foodbank and these hampers this year has increased greatly, and we will be supporting 33 families this year!
We rely on our congregation to help us cover the cost of these treats.
You can place a donation on the offering plate at church, or send an e-transfer to treasurer-euc@eppc-ucc.ca (*Please note on your cheque or e-transfer ‘Goody Bags’) Thank you for your generosity and support, and for helping us put smiles on the faces of those in need this Christmas!
Happy Birthday to Greg Carbino, may he enjoy a truly marvelous day.
Bible Groups
The Bible Groups will be meeting at the home of Jim & Anne Barton for a Christmas potluck starting at 10 0’Clock on Tuesday morning. If you need more information contact the office at 613-272-2002.
The Young @Heart Breakfast Club meets in December on Thursday the 19th at 9 am at the Junction Restaurant. All are welcome but let Ted or Clint know by noon Wednesday the 18th if you are coming so we can reserve our spot. See you there………Ted
Advance notice JAN 25, 2025 our Canadian Women in Song troupe plays the Joshua Bates Centre, Athens. Get your tickets early. joshuabatescentre.com
Elgin United Church & Portland United Church
Devotional Reflection
December 14, 2024
Being in the moment!
Think about it. Not an easy task for most of us. Have you ever stood in front of your sink full of dishes and found joy? Or those loads of laundry? Or knowing that work today is going to be tough. Where’s the joy in these things?
My mind wanders (as it does on many days) to a time in my life when I experienced true joy. I’ll name a few – birth of my children; my commissioning as a minister; my trip to Australia; spending time with my mother.
Here’s what I discovered though. For me, all those times, as my life continued, also brought me intense sadness and tears into my life.
The question really becomes ; ‘Can I be sad and still have joy?’ It is such an easy question to answer – YES! But the follow-through for us takes time to process.
Would I have wanted to experience those precious moments on a platform in Massey Hall, where I was sent out as a Joyful Evangelist, to share the Good News of great Joy – Christ has come, if I had really known the heartache that was coming to me during the next 20 years? Would I have spent more time with my children if I had known how quickly their childhood would be over?
I sit at this very moment and recognize my desire to spend more time in the Presence of God. I know that my time will bring genuine joy.
One of the expressions I have often said is : Happiness is fleeting, joy is forever! And I believe this to be true.
When I look at the whole experience of the Christmas Season, I have many moments of happiness that rush back as I reminisce. The gifts bought are all but a distant memory. Yet I still recall the sharing with family, the laughter and fun experienced.
Allow me to interject a little of the Christmas Story here.
Our spiritual joy is more than a happy feeling. It is an enduring emotion that comes from trusting God.
So many moments of joy related to the birth of Christ – shepherds, angels, wise men, Mary and Joseph. If you were to only focus on these, I’m sure your inward being would be at bursting point. Add a few more, like Simeon and the people who knew the Messiah had arrived.
Joy abounds in the Christmas Story. Joy abounds now as we live in the anticipation of a New Life in Christ.
Take a few moments and focus. Before you know it, your heart will be bursting with joy.
You are loved. You are blessed.
Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge