Dental Issues Group ( DIG )

Good dental health means being able to eat and socialize without pain or embarrassment. It means a healthier life and a bigger contribution to the community. But not everyone can afford dental care. Consider the senior living on a limited income who has no dental plan. Or seasonal workers or people earning minimum wage who need dental work. Or people on disability pensions who have limited funds for dental care and lose benefits at age 65. Some of these people find eating difficult. They live in pain and are at higher risk of infection. Some have lower self-esteem and find it harder to get work.

Country Roads Community Health Centre ( CRCHC ) worked with the community to create the Dental Issues Group – and you have a role to play in its success.

The Dental Issues Group is an advocate and a funding provider for people 18 years and older, living in North Leeds on low incomes who need dental services. CRCHC staff will assess the person’s eligibility for funding under several programs, including the Dental Issues Group. If no other funding is available, the person will receive local dental care paid for by the Dental Issues Group. The client will choose the dentist. Children under the 18 years can obtain free dental care through the province.

Portland Elgin United Church supports DIG by providing funds raised in specified fundraising endeavours. Contributions to DIG can also be specified on Elgin-Portland United Church offering envelopes or made directly to the CRCHC. Every cent of your contribution to the Dental Issues Group helps local people get the dental services they require.  With your help, the Dental Issues Group can provide funding for adequate dental care for the most vulnerable in North Leeds. Bring to mind the value of dental health and the difference a gift, large or small, can make. Remember that every contribution is important – and how good it feels to help a person in need. Then, step up and make your donation!

DIG is also a member of the Tri-County Dental Coalition ( TCDC ) which addresses the same need in the larger Lanark Leeds and Grenville counties.  The coalition works with local dental professionals and funding agencies to coordinate options for people with no dental insurance to pay for dental care. Clients with DIG can access these services as well.

For information on the services available, to see if you would qualify for assistance or to make a donation please contact the following:

Marci Bruyere
Health Promoter
Country Roads Community Health Centre
4319 Cove Road
P.O.Box 58
Portland, ON. K0G1V0
T: 613-272-2799 Ext. 258
F: 613-272-3463