Elgin United Church – Music Director’s Welcome

EUC Choir

The music program at Elgin United has been a very important part of church life over the years and remains that way to this day.  It has evolved to include a variety of musical styles from traditional to contemporary to gospel and jazz-influenced.

Sundays are filled with the sounds of our beautiful grand piano as well as the more traditional sound of the organ. Guitar, drums and digital piano are also part of the joy of worship. The Praise and Worship team includes some of our younger musicians and brings joy and enthusiasm to each service.

We are fortunate to have an excellent sound system and a talented team of technicians to operate it.  Their efforts bring the worship services to life and help make each Sunday a meaningful experience.

The audio visual team holds regular concerts that showcase the musical talents of local and area musicians while raising funds for much needed work in the church as well as the wider community.

Our dedicated choir provides enthusiastic leadership from week to week. They practice every Thursday evening from September to June.  After choir practice ends, the music continues for the Elgin United Church Quartet, SOUL PURPOSE,  whose harmonies can be heard late into the evening.

We warmly welcome newcomers to our musical family – as we continue to make a joyful noise to the Lord.