Elgin Portland United Church Council
Sylvia French – Celebration of Life – Saturday, January 25th, 2-4 pm – The French Family are inviting friends and family to PUC to remember the life of Sylvia, a mom, grandmother, friend, and active member of her community. Please join us as we celebrate her life.
Jake Way – We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jake Way, husband to Gail (Chant), on Tuesday, January 21st. Our condolences and prayers go out to the Chant family as they mourn this loss. Visitation will be held at the Scotland Funeral Home on Saturday from 3-5 and 7-9. The funeral service will be held in the Chapel on Sunday afternoon at 1:30.
Annual General Meetings (PUC/EUC/OB) are scheduled for Sunday, February 16th, 2025. OB will be in Elgin. General reports are due by January 20th, and financial reports are due by January 27th, for the Annual Report to be done. Please forward your reports to office@eppc-ucc.com.
Bible Discussion Groups meet on Monday at Portland UC (6:30 PM) and Tuesday in Elgin (10:00 AM) at the Guthrie House. All are welcome. Info: ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089
Advance notice JAN 25, 2025 – our Canadian Women in Song troupe plays at the Joshua Bates Centre, Athens. Get your tickets early. joshuabatescentre.com
Devotional Reflection
January 25, 2025
What does relationship look like to you? Relationship with whom? Yourself, another person, God?
My mind turns to a surplus of thoughts on how to build relationships – trust, honesty, being present, to name a few obvious ones. And if you examine just these three mentioned, the concept applies to those type of relationships I mentioned at the beginning.
Today, I will attempt to focus on self – my relationship with ME.
And a bathtub! If you can, join me in my stopover with a relaxing bubble bath. A rush of thoughts, like – rest, a needed break, a quiet time, a halt to the chaos in your life (ok, I get it…. Some of you need a bit more coaxing… a glass of wine, or coffee, some music). Now you are ready. Think through those recent moments in your life when you weren’t sure – when you were clouded with doubt in your ability, when you did not want to face yourself because of some failure. What about those days when you gave little thought to what your body was telling you, pushing way past your energy level? Why, why do we do this to ourselves? Where is the honesty that allows you to recognize your limitations? Why the ‘super-human’ complex, ‘Mr. Tough Guy’ façade? And this brings me to the point of trust in relationship to you. You have your gifts, given to you, and you can trust they are all you need.
Finally, being present with yourself. Taking time – just like you are now – as you relax in your imaginary bathtub. Being aware of every fibre of your being, feeling each ache and pain, being grateful for who you are, what you have achieved, what you continue to undertake. Your blessings-family, friends, employment, church. Relax for a few more moments. Know how blessed you are.
The water is cooling down. I will soon have to turn on the shower to rinse off the residue of the bubbles. And while I am there, I will be singing, loudly, aware only of myself. No worries as to my tone, my deep breathing, the words. Only present with who I am, how wonderfully I have been made.
And as I emerge from the water, I am acutely aware that in building my relationship with myself, I have built my relationship with God. I cannot be who I am without His love and guidance. My relationship with El Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty, is intact. I trust in Him. I have been honest with Him and I am present with Him as I go out to meet other relationships and grow with them.
And if you have the time (and can still get out of the tub!) do this exercise on a regular basis. Keep in touch with yourself, with God, and with others!
You are loved. You are blessed.
Liz Church,
Director of Pastoral Care
Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge