2025-02-01 Weekly E-News

Elgin Portland United Church Council

Our local musical group presented an outstanding performance at the Joshua Bates Centre on Saturday, January 25th. The Canadian Women in Song Tribute Tour played to a near sell-out, totally engaged and spontaneously appreciative audience. A shout out to the breadth and depth of our local talent and to Bonnie Tackaberry who planted the seed for the show.

 PUC Council meeting on February 4th at 7:00 p.m.

February 8th, the troop will present a collection of their favourite numbers from both Canadian Women in Song and You Can Call Me 80’s – Epic Hits Volume 1 at 7 pm at Elgin United Church. This “With Love – A Favourite Hits Reprisal” is a fundraiser for the St. Columbanus R.C. Church roof. Tickets are $25, available on Eventbrite.ca with a limited number at the door.  Get them early, enjoy an amazing concert, and support a worthy cause. See you there.

UCW meeting Feb 11 at 1:30. 

EUC Council meeting on February 11th 7pm via zoom

Farmers Breakfast February 15th @ 9 am Portland United Church.  Full Menu. Fundraiser for the playground; donations accepted.

Annual General Meetings (PUC/EUC/OB) are scheduled for Sunday, February 16th.  OB will be in Elgin.   

The Bible Discussion Groups meet on Monday (6:30 pm)  at Portland & Tuesday (10:00 am)   in Elgin at the Guthrie House. All are welcome. Info: ccjimbarton@gmail.com or 613-328-4089

Trinity United Church-Smiths Falls is inviting you to a time of gathering and reconnecting with each other and with our General Secretary, Rev. Michael Blair, on March 1, 2025; 2 – 4 P.M.


Devotional Reflection

February 1, 2025

Life is all about perspective. Every day we are reminded of the fragility of life. A helpless child is born; dependent on those around her for every need she will have. And we rejoice in this precious gift.

A precious loved one journeys from this earth; his soul having been carried to a place of eternal peace. And we grieve the loss of a beautiful presence that has journeyed with us for decades. And we remember him with love.

David Rankin, in his book called ‘Portraits from the Cross’ tells of Mrs. Sweeney; an elderly lady, confined to her bed, staring out her window and smiling. Only after she has passed from this life, and he returns to collect her things does he realize why her smile was so magical. As he lay on her bed for a moment, he glanced out the window. And there he saw this: An expanse of sky and one single limb of a tree. A robin was nesting there. This was Mrs. Sweeney’s perspective. He finishes his story with these words: ‘I stared out the window and smiled.’

Perspective – it seems impossible that we will get it right every time.

There are people around us who annoy us. Before they even open their mouths to speak, you feel your blood pressure rising.

There are people who walk into a room and you rush over to greet them, welcoming them with a handshake or a hug.

As much as it is humanly possible, we must admit that our perspective, our viewpoint, the angle we see things, can be clouded. We strive each day to understand those around us. We work hard to be inclusive, non-judgmental. Barb DeJeet reminded us last week in our worship service, that as Christians we are one body, working together for the building of God’s Kingdom. And whatever part you are, whether a hand, a foot, a toe, whatever, continue to be the best you can be. God needs each of us.

nd it is your perspective that will make a difference. You may feel inadequate, fearful, over-confident, proud, judgemental. Your empathy level may need an adjustment. Your perspective will be challenged.

Let me finish Mrs. Sweeney’s story. She was a teacher for 48 years. She was now 87 years old. She was paralyzed for the last 6 years of her life – no longer able to speak, or chew food. The nurses turned her head for her so that she could see out the window.

Take a moment this week and stare out your spiritual window. Walk through your life and grasp the unclaimed blessings around you. Smile as you recount the many times you got it right, and followed through in being the best ‘right hand’ in your church community, the community around you.

And for those times when your perspective was muddied because of circumstances, or worry, or lack of trust; when your spiritual journey was faltering because of ego, or hurt; know with confidence that you are only human. When the mist clears, when you pick up the pieces and move forward, you will have learned that your perspective has been improved and the joy of the journey will be restored.


You are loved. You are blessed.

Liz Church, Director of Pastoral Care     

Elgin/Portland Pastoral Charge